Baltic Sea 2006
16 August 2006

The last weekend I made a trip to the Baltic Sea island Fehmarn with my nephew Christian. He is 18 years old and the oldest son from my sister. We arrived the island on Friday afternoon and search after a good campground. We drove around the island and found a good place at the town Klausdorf near the city Puttgarden.

This is Christian, he sat on a rock at the beach. He is a soccer player and umpire, he broke his arm during a soccer game some weeks ago.

Our tent was in top of the cliff line and some other people were around us. The weather was good, but every evening we had thunderbolts and rain for some minutes. On Saturday was it very hot and sunny.

Here can you see the cliff line and the nice beach.

I love to swim in the Baltic Sea and in addition it's very good for my back. The Saturday was very hot and sunny, normally a perfect day to swim but we had a problem.

Another view from the coast with some rocks, but the rocks wasn't the problem.

We had the hottest July since about 100 years in Germany and trough the heat grow many alga in the Baltic Sea.

That's a view from above the cliff line and you can see the water is green through the Blau-alge(Cyanobacteria) and therefore we couldn't swim.

Here can you see the water in close-up view.

There are many nice plants at the island and you could see some animals.

Since my childhood I love these ladybugs. The plant isn't a cactus, it's a thistle.

A hungry bumble-bee on another plant.

On Sunday we had also good weather and at noonday I walked above the cliff line and would take some photos. Suddenly was the sky dark and I could see a interesting phenomenon. Usually we have very seldom tornados in Germany, perhaps tiny ones and this one was really big. Mauser*girl told me, a tornado that forms over water is actually called a waterspout in English and she gave me a interesting link. Below the last pic is a text: "A giant waterspout in the mature stage in the Florida Keys in 1969. During peak intensity this waterspout had a diameter of approximately 90 feet."
I have thought in this area are the waterspout's bigger than this one in Germany. I appraise the waterspout had a diameter of approximately 300 feet.

I could watch it about 10 minutes and take 14 photos, before I had to go into my car. You can see two car-ferry beside the waterspout, they look small but these are very big ships.

Another view from the waterspout.

Three hours after the thunderstorm we drove to my aunt, she live in Grossenbrode not far away from the island. We had a nice conversation with my aunt, uncle and cousin. My uncle was his whole life in the German air force and since two months he is pensioned. In January 2007 he will sell his house and emigrate with my aunt to the country Spain.
In the evening after lunch we drove home and we had very hard rain.

Usually I would write more about the trip, but I had again problems to post my photos. Now I use photobucket and not blogger. Tomorrow I will visit the blogs from my friends, I need some rest and in 3 hours I have physical therapy to fix my back.

By the way, click on the photos to watch them bigger.

I'm alive
09 August 2006

I'm a member of the blogger community since about a year and since some months I have nothing written. I had many problems, but I think now is everything alright.
Here is my first blog post since April 2006 and I will show some of my new photos.

Here are some flowers who grow in our garden. The fist one is a photo manipulation, I changed the background to black&white therewith the beautiful blue is more eye-catching.

It's a Traubenhyazinthe((Grape hyacinth) also called Perlblume and they belong to the species Hyacinthaceae. Here is a link and below on the site you can see the species Muscari racemosum, it's the one in my picture. In the second link you can read a little about the flower in English.

In our garden we have a long Rhododendron hedgerow and here can you see one of the some hundred blossom. The Rhododendron is the state flower of the US state of Washington and West Virginia. It's also the national flower of Nepal.

These wild flowers grow on a meadow near the river Elbe and I don't know the name, but I like their appearance.

A dandelion with a little spider on the left side, she build a spiderweb. Along the river and also on the meadows you can see the dandelions everywhere.

I can't post more photos, because I have problem with blogger. I will try it later again.