17 October 2005

I have been tagged from Mauser*girl.

Seven things I want to do before I die:

1. Being able to write and speak the English language perfectly
2. Have a job, a job I thoroughly enjoy
3. Meet a woman these fits to me
4. See America, Australia and...
5. To own a Colt M1911 and...
6. Fly a airplane
7. To be a good photographer

Seven things I can do:

1. Handling animals well
2. Shooting with a rifle
3. Play billiard
4. Repair engines and other parts from motorbikes and cars
5. To listen
6. Laugh about myself
7. Make twisted jokes

Seven things I cannot do:

1. Play piano and other musical instrument (saxophone a little bit)
2. Eating less and more healthily
3. To draw
4. To do the splits
5. Forgiving me for my faults
6. Sewing
7. Dancing well

Seven things I say a lot :

1. "Pech gehabt"
2. "Das ist normal, ich habe immer Pech"
3. "Shit happens"
4. "Ich wuerde gern wieder schiessen gehen"
5. "Wo hast Du Idiot Autofahren gelernt?"
6. "Aliiinaaa"
7. "Kennst Du den Film...?"

Seven things I find attractive in a female:

1. A good character
2. A cultivated appearance
3. Intelligence
4. Honorableness
5. A sense of humor
6. Being not bigheaded
7. Nice legs

Seven celebrity crushes?

1. Heinz Ruehmann
2. Tom Hanks
3. Clint Eastwood
4. Angelina Jolie
5. Cameron Diaz

Seven people who have nothing better to do than to get tagged:

1. The Deep End Of The Pool
2. Brainxplosion
3. Serena Abroad
4. Fuck Howard
5. Fun With Hand Grenades
6. ???
7. All other important persons has called Mauser*girl

Blogger Mauser*Girl said...

I hate to tell you, but a "crush" is someone you like. In a sexual kind of way. :P  

Blogger JgStephan said...

Perhaps I like old men. ;)
You have certainly laughed strongly... An explanation so that no wrong suspicion arises, here.
I haven't found the word "crush" in any dictionary.

Things I say a lot: Shit happens

Things I can do: Laugh about myself

Things I want to do before I die: I enlarge my first wish with the words "reading" and "interpret".

Things I cannot do: Forgiving me for my faults  

Blogger G said...

I got a mention! Yay!

Great list of things to do there! Especially in regards to your future woman.... best of luck there!

And the celebrity crushes? Is that "crushes" - a great actor/ess or "crushes" - you love them?  

Blogger Jen said...

OHHH MAN...I have no answers for half of these questions. : )  

Blogger JgStephan said...

@G - Thanks!
"You love them?" So you make fun of me...

@Porter - They also calls me Private Joker. ;)
I show the pictures tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

@Jen - It was a pain for me to find the answers.  

Blogger Serena said...

you are already a great photographer.

And, for the record, straight men get 'boy crushes' all the time... ;)
I have a sick thing for Shirley Manson from Garbage *shrug*  

Blogger JgStephan said...

Thank you Serena! :)  

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