my opinion
27 August 2005

I was against the war in Iraq but I have changed my opinion months ago.
Fuck the liberals from our city! Fuck! They are very cowardly.
My friends are of a different opinion like me but they stood by me. Thanks!
My nose is broken but I still have my own opinion!

Blogger Calcarus said...

sounds like you had to stick up for your opinion. its great to hear that you DID! too many people back down and just let their opinions mean nothing and go with the flow.
im saying this even thou i am more against the iraq war then for :P
sounds like you have some good true friends too :)  

Blogger Mauser*Girl said...

If people cannot accept the opinion of others without breaking their noses, their opinions aren't worth much to begin with...

Hope the nose heals quickly. ;) Glad to see you stuck by your opinion and that your friends stuck by you.  

Blogger JgStephan said...

@Calcarus - If I had changed my opinion, then I would have betrayed myself. This feeling would have followed me for a long time, however, the pains disappear faster. I still can look in the mirror without being ashamed.
My friends respect my opinion and I respect their opinions. These are really true friends.

@Mauser*girl - With these idiots you cannot discuss and I haven't made it either. I played billiard with my friends, they eavesdropped on a conversation of us and the guys followed me when I went to the toilet. Two men held me and the third struck me.
Then preferring to broke the nose as losing a teeth. This heals certainly very quickly, I must only pay attention for it I don't run in dark against a door like you some days ago. ;)  

Blogger Diana Kennedy said...

Well, really "peace-loving" to use violence against people, only because of their opinion. That's the sort of hypocrisy really despise. Cowards!

Thats why I am generally not too good friends with radical pacifists. They often seem to have a lot more agressive potential than people who openly claim to be not entirely peaceful.

I am gainst the war, but:

- I was for it at the first Iraq campaign, when it cames to liberate Koweit and I think that the WHOLE job should have been done back then.

- I am against a withdraw of troups on Iraq now, because it would left the country drown in chaos and another Islamistic terror-state may arise.

However, I'll send you a virtual hug for your nose and best wishes for a quick healing.

May your ennemies be doomed with a restles heart and be surroundeed by darkness.  

Blogger Forzavryheid said...

Sorry to hear that buddy.

People like that are losers and will get what they deserve another time.


I hope your nose heals quickly and even though it doesnt help any, I would have GLADLY had my nose broken with you if it meant getting a punch in against them.

You rock buddy!  

Blogger Calcarus said...

@jgstephan - i completely agree with your reply, i have felt exactly the same in my younger years and felt so bad that i have never wanted to repeat it.
i like the way you have looked at your nose healing faster then your pride if you betrayed yourself!  

Blogger JgStephan said...

@Diana - Thanks! That particularly radical pacifists often use force is a fact, but it's surprising. Is it a mental illness, are such people schizophrenic? I think Gandhi should be usually the archetype of these peoples.

My friends are of the opinion, the troops should be immediately withdraw from Iraq. This would be a very big fault and with your arguments I counter also in such situations. All previous successes would be in danger and this may never happen.

@Adrian - Thanks! Unfortunately, we live too far from each other, otherwise we could go to drink a beer. Dearest in South Africa, I'm rather attacked of three women than of three mens. ;)

@Calcarus - I have made this experience also some years ago. You never forgets this and unfortunately you cannot reverse the time.  

Blogger Diana Kennedy said...

Stephan, I think that this people just lie to themselves. They know (or somewhat know) about a HUGE agressive potential within them but instead of facing it and use this energy in a constructive way (like going to the army :-) ) they deny it and brace to pacifism. But the inner agressivity is still there and now explodes to "defend" pacifism.
That was just my 3 cent psychology, of course...  

Blogger JgStephan said...

This would be an explanation Diana.

Apropos army, a former friend of me still from childhood days, always wanted like me to the armed forces. We both didn't want to go in a ordinary unity and wanted to the paratroopers or a similar unity.
Although my friend was physically suitable better like me, but he was declined. A standard unity wasn't well enough and he refused the military service.

Most of my friends don't like the armed forces and also refused the military service. All my friends respected my decision and furthermore we were good friends.

However, the refused called me a murderer and he said in the armed forces are only intellectually poor people. I found it sad but actually I didn't care. However, he tried to set my other friends against me and this made me furious.
He wanted to invite me and drink to the killed German soldiers in Afghanistan quite a long time ago. He was very pleased that the soldiers at the bomb attack died.
With such persons I would like to have nothing to do.  

Blogger Diana Kennedy said...

Drinking on the death of people is just sick.
Unfortunatley, the fiercest German-haters are...german. A result of the WW2 trauma. I tought that the Germans had recovered a bit since, but it seems that there are still individuals with this stupid, brainless hatred.

I do think that a healthy patriotism is necessary for people. Blind aptriotism is false and also if you lower other countries. But to hate the own country and therefore the own people is not sane.

I hope your nose gets better!  

Blogger JgStephan said...

I share your opinion. But if you are in Germany a little bit patriotically, you are addressed as radical right-wing.

Breaks heal astonishingly fast with me, that have said several doctors to me. If I turn round on the belly in the sleep, sometimes I get to feel. The most important, I don't have got any crooked nose through this. :)  

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